The Story
This is the story of a young fox Pax, who, after being rescued by Peter as a cub, has grown up with the boy he adores. Peter, who lost his mother at a young age and lives with a violent, self centred father, adores his fox.
As war approaches, and Peter’s father signs up to fight, Peter is sent to live 300 miles away with an elderly grandfather he barely knows. At the start of the journey Peter’s father forces him to leave a trusting Pax behind, by throwing the toy soldier Pax craves far into the woods before his father drives away. Peter is heartbroken. Pax waits patiently in the unfamiliar environment for his boy to return.
Peter quickly realises that Pax is dependent on him and that it is his duty to return to rescue his fox. Peter sets out on foot to find his greatest friend. Pax has still not lost hope in his boy. However, Peter soon realises that the journey is going to take more time than he ever imagined when he breaks his ankle and can barely walk.
My Thoughts
Throughout the book you learn so much about foxes’ senses and their behaviour towards others. In each chapter, the story changes from Pax’s perspective to Peter’s. Both make a courageous journey and encounter the suspicion, and kindness, of strangers who help them to survive. Will Peter and Pax be reunited and will their friendship endure when both have dramatically changed?