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My name is Sophia and I am ten years old.
I love reading and would like to share some of my favourite books with you. I hope you enjoy my reviews.

My Latest Reviews

The Secret of the Night Train

My rating:

The Story When the Morel family received a phone call from Great Aunt Elodie, asking if one of the Morel’s could come by train to Istanbul to visit, to assist her with daily life as she is so very old and ill, Max seems the only candidate to go and visit. Max’s mother is busy […]

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Tall Story

My rating:

The Story “It’s Andi. Andi with an I”. Andi loves Basketball. She is one of the best members on her school team and devotes her time to playing matches, and training, perhaps with a sneaky Star Wars film thrown in as well. But when her parents decide to move closer to the hospital where they […]

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The Mystery of the Clockwork Sparrow Katherine Woodfine

The Mystery of the Clockwork Sparrow

My rating:

The Story Sophie’s father recently died whilst on a military trip to South Africa. There is an issue with his will which leaves Sophie without any money. Sophie is deserted in London without a job until she stumbles across the incredible Sinclair’s Department Store – a store of wonder in the heart of the capital […]

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Boy Underwater Adam Baron

Boy Underwater

My rating:

The Story 9 year old Cymbeline has never been swimming in his life. His mum has just never taken him and his dad passed away when he was little. This lack of experience comes as a shock when his teacher Miss Phillips announces to his class that on Monday mornings St Saviour’s School Year 4 […]

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Dead Time

My rating:

The Story Rose’s mother has been gone for five years. Joshua’s father has been gone for five years too.  Rose’s mother, Kathy and Joshua’s father, Brendan went out for dinner at the Tuscan Moon and disappeared. Now, at the age of seventeen, Rose lives with her grandmother Anna and has not seen Joshua for five […]

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How to Look for a Lost Dog

My rating:

The Story Rose likes homophones. Her name, Rose, is a homophone too; rows and Rose. Rose has a dog called Rain (rain, reign, rein) Rose has Aspergus Syndrome. She likes routines and numbers too, especially prime numbers. When storm Susan threatens the mainland of the USA, Rain goes missing. Rivers overflow. The power goes out. […]

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